Curiosities about copper
As many of you know, copper is one of our chosen metals to make our jewelry. We use it for various reasons. The main one is that we...
How to make your jewelry organizers
Are you one of those people who likes to accumulate jewels and more jewels? Have you thought about how you can store your jewelry? We...
Everything you need to set up a jewelry workshop in your home
We are going to tell you everything you need to set up your own jewelry workshop at home, specifivally to make Lost Wax jewelry. As much...
The craftsman, that being in the process of extinction
We are artisans. We are those begings that still use our hands to create our art. We like to take care of the pieces down to the last...
Lost wax jewelry
Lost-wax jewelry is a jewelry tenchnique taht sytrats from wax modeling, a very ancient culptural procedure (alredy used by Greeks en the...