How to make silver jewelry stay like the first day
It has happened to all of us, we buy a jewel, we delight in it with its color and shine and we use it for a while. But over time metals oxidize, change color, age...
Silver blackens, copper turns green, and brass darkens. All metals with the passage of time react to their initial state and are transformed. So that piece that we liked so much can become ugly or deteriorated. But can we do something about it?
Naturally there are many remedies to avoid this or fix it once it has happened. We will list the best ways to keep metals in their original state, how to avoid deterioration or how to treat them.
In the first place, the best way to prevent metals from changing their state is to make sure that the jewel has one or several layers of special varnish for jewelery, also called jewelery lacquer. All our jewels carry this varnish lacquer and we can ensure that they last many and many years without the material deteriorating. But it is clear that not all jewelers use it and you will not be able to know if they carry it or not.
So the first piece of advice that we give you is that if you want to keep a jewel as it is from the beginning, you can varnish the jewels yourself. If not, we offer you a jewelry repair and cleaning service in which we leave the piece in its original state and we varnish it for you. You just have to get in touch and we will do it for a small price.
We will give you several tips for cleaning different metals:

Silver jewelry darkens very quickly, and sometimes it is a shame to let time pass, since it is a metal that, if taken care of, can last a lifetime. But it is true that over time silver turns black. Here are several homemade ways to clean silver:
Salt and aluminum foil:
Take a small container and fill it halfway with water. Then put a tablespoon of salt and stir it until it dissolves. Place a few strips of aluminum foil at the bottom. After a few minutes, remove the jewelry and clean it with cold water. It only remains to dry them with a cloth and that's it.
2. Laundry detergent:
Fill a small container halfway with water. Then put a little detergent and stir until it is diluted. Put the jewels inside the container and after a few minutes remove them. Wash them under running water and dry them with a cloth.
3. Antacid effervescent tablet:
Fill a container halfway with hot water. Then add two effervescent antacid tablets (the kind we take when our stomach hurts). Introduce the jewels and wait 20 minutes. Then you just have to wash them under running water and dry them with a cloth.
4. Baking soda and aluminum foil:
In a small container, place strips of aluminum foil at the bottom. Then add boiling water with tablespoons of baking soda. Next put the jewels. Do not be scared by the smell, the strong smell means that they are cleaning themselves. Insert the jewels with a wooden instrument and stir, making sure that the jewels touch the aluminum foil. After a few minutes, remove the jewelery and clean it under running water. Then dry them with a cloth. If you scrub hard these will have more shine.
5. Special pastes to clean silver:
In drugstores they sell these products that are sold in the form of liquid and paste. In this case you just have to follow the manufacturer's instructions. They work very well but be especially careful if the jewels have rhinestones as the stones can be damaged.
This is all, and remember if you want us to do the maintenance write to us and we will give you a budget. We have the machinery, the products and more so that with a reasonable price we can leave them shiny and clean.