The different types of wax
Some time ago we explained all the necessary tools to set up your own jewelry workshop at home. Today we want to tell you about the main types of wax on the market. And so you will only have the techniques and you will be able to become expert jewelers.
There are many different waxes on the market. They come in different shapes and types and all of them are, even if you don't think so, the easiest to work with. We present 5, the five main ones:
Green or blue wax (wax wad):
Cue wax comes in hard composition wax blocks. You can find green, blue and even purple. You can mold this wax by melting it with a tin welder or sculpting it with the use of sandpaper and other tools. We use it mainly to perform different dripping techniques.
You will find these wax blocks in stores and jewelry materials and you can find them for an approximate cost of about €20. But everything and that looks like an expensive material with a single block you can create millions of jewels. It will last you years and years.
Pink wax or wax plates:
This wax comes in sheets of different thicknesses. You will recognize it right away since it is the same one that dentists use to make the casts of your teeth. You will find thicknesses from 0.3 millimeters to 2.5 or 3 cm. The most common thicknesses are 1 mm or 2 mm. It is used to make engravings, fretwork, lined fretwork and to create all those jewels of flat origin. Then you can mold it in the way you want. There are other uses but these are the main ones. You can find them in tool and jewelry stores.
- Plasticine or red wax:
This wax, as its name indicates, is a red wax with a consistency very similar to plasticine. It is manageable like plasticine, once heated with the heat of a source or with the same fingers.
To use this wax there are many techniques, but here above all is the power of imagination. Everything you think you could do with plasticine you can do with this wax.
You will find it in stores of tools and materials for jewelry and in Chandeliers. It's much cheaper at the chandelier.
- Wax threads:
Wax threads are still threads made of wax. You will find them in all thicknesses and they are presented either in rolls or in boxes with different sizes of these threads.
They are used to make all kinds of jewelry: rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets... They can be used on their own or combined with other waxes.
You will find them in jewelry tool and material stores.
- Tubes of wax for rings:
This wax is still the same wax as the block wax, but presented in the form of a tube. Normally it comes in blue and green, less common you can also find it in lilac. The particularity is that they are wax cylinders with a hole in the middle and they come in different shapes and sizes.
By cutting it and adapting it to the shape and thickness that you want, you can create rings. It can be worked by melting it, cutting it, filing it or cutting it.
There are many other types of wax, we have presented the main ones, but if you start with this one you will begin to discover many others