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Welcom to The Alchemists Pieces by Xic Art

Some, when you entered this website you found a link that took you to a new website. This one has disappeared. Now this is still the only web, renewed, rethought and improved. We have improved our pieces, our techniques, our jewels. The Alchemists Pieces by Xic Art is a new and groundbreaking project. We have learned, improved and rethought jewelry.

We are Alchemists, alchemists of metal, of the process of melting, recasting, and creating. No metal can resist us: sterling silver, gold of all carats, copper or any metal that comes to mind. This is where The Alchemists Pieces is born. Alchemists have the power to transform these metals into unique and exclusive pieces. They are neither more nor less than the pieces of a couple of Alchemists.

We have endless new jewelry. Unique and exclusive jewels that you can explore. We have improved, we have grown and we cook all the jewels over low heat so that each one of the people who choose one of them feels that it is the ideal jewel for them. Many are unique, others from small runs. Original, modern, exclusive and of the best quality.

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